Ādiparva : Sandhi 07 : Part 3 of 4 : Arjuna and Karṇa compete to see who is the the best Archer.

Arjuna astounds the assembly with his skill with the bows and arrows. Karna follows it with a display of his own skills. They both enter into a duel.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 07 : Part 2 of 4 : Yudhiṣṭhira, Duryōdhana, Bhīma show their mastery of weapons.

Yudhiṣṭhira, Duryōdhana, Bhīma show their mastery of weapons. Duryōdhana and Bhīma engage in a fierce duel.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 07 : Part 1 of 4 : Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s finish their training under Droṇa.

Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s finish their training under Droṇa. A huge stadium is erected for the display of Princes’ combat skills.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 06 : Part 3 of 3 : Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s learn the art of Śastra from Droṇa

Droṇa becomes the teacher to Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas. Karṇa befriends Duryodhana.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 06 : Part 1 of 3 : Seeds of rivalry between Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s

Rivalry between Duryodhana and Bhīma that started with childhood games, intensifies as days progress. The Kaurava-s’ attempts to kill Bhīma fail. Bhīṣma looks for a teacher to keep the boys occupied.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 04 : Part 2 of 4 : Pāṇḍu’s Prāyaścitta, Kunti-Pāṇḍu’s discussion

To atone for the sin of killing the Ṛṣi couple, Pāṇḍu leaves for the forest to perform austerities. There, Kunti informs Pāṇḍu of the five mantra-s which Dūrvasa had given her long ago.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 01 : Part 1 of 4 : Pāṇḍu – marriage, coronation, hunt, curse

Pāṇḍu gets married to Kunti & Mādri. After his coronation, Pāṇḍu goes for a hunt where he unwittingly shoots an arrow at a Ṛṣi couple, who curse him before dying..

Ādiparva : Sandhi 03 : Part 1 of 2 : Births of Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Pānḍu, Vidura

After Vicitravīrya’s dies without an offspring, and since Bhīṣma refuses Kingship, Satyavati asks Vedavyāsa to beget sons in Vicitravīrya’s field.

Adiparva : Sandhi 02 : Part 2 of 2 : Births of Bhiṣma, Satyavati, Vedavyāsa, Citrāṅgada, Vicitravīrya

In the second half of the 2nd sandhi of Ādiparva, Vaiśampāyana describes the Candravamśa lineage starting with Candra up until Śantanu. Then, he provides details on the birth of Bhīṣma through Śantanu and Gaṅgā, birth of Satyavati to Uparīcara Vasu, and the birth of Vedavyāsa through Parāśara and Satyavati. Śantanu is smitten by Satyavati’s beauty,Continue reading “Adiparva : Sandhi 02 : Part 2 of 2 : Births of Bhiṣma, Satyavati, Vedavyāsa, Citrāṅgada, Vicitravīrya”

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