Ādiparva : Sandhi 07 : Part 2 of 4 : Yudhiṣṭhira, Duryōdhana, Bhīma show their mastery of weapons.

Yudhiṣṭhira, Duryōdhana, Bhīma show their mastery of weapons. Duryōdhana and Bhīma engage in a fierce duel.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 06 : Part 3 of 3 : Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s learn the art of Śastra from Droṇa

Droṇa becomes the teacher to Kauravas and the Pāṇḍavas. Karṇa befriends Duryodhana.

Ādiparva : Sandhi 06 : Part 1 of 3 : Seeds of rivalry between Kaurava-s and Pāṇḍava-s

Rivalry between Duryodhana and Bhīma that started with childhood games, intensifies as days progress. The Kaurava-s’ attempts to kill Bhīma fail. Bhīṣma looks for a teacher to keep the boys occupied.

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